More fatalities in 2017

According to the accident figures published by the Federal Roads Office FEDRO, 230 people were killed in accidents on Swiss roads in 2017 - 14 more than in the previous year. More fatalities occurred in particular among motorcyclists and cyclists, as well as among elderly pedestrians at pedestrian crossings. The bfu - Swiss Council for Accident Prevention is concerned that non-motorized traffic and older road users benefit little from the progress made in road safety.

Cyclists and the elderly are particularly at risk. © Depositphotos/Wavebreakmedia

The bfu notes with concern that the number of fatalities in Swiss road traffic has risen again, from 216 fatalities in 2016 to 230 last year. The number of people who suffered life-threatening injuries continues to stagnate (180 affected in 2017 after 174 the year before). This is also unsatisfactory.

Two trends

Overall, it can be stated that in 2017 two Trends of the last years have continued:

  • The number of accidents is shifting towards older road users. For example, pedestrians aged 65 and older are particularly strongly represented in fatal collisions on Pedestrian crossing. Also for serious Accidents with the bike this age group is strongly affected: While the serious personal injuries after bicycle accidents at Children and teenagers according to the 2017 accident statistics, they are increasing significantly among seniors.
  • The accident figures for non-motorized traffic are developing differently from those for motorists: the number of serious bicycle accidents has been stagnating for years. E-bike accidents have been recorded since 2011. Since then, the number of serious personal injury accidents involving E-bikes more than tripled and the number of e-bikes on Swiss roads has increased significantly. However, there are also more serious accidents with e-bikes per kilometer ridden than with conventional bicycles. Those on foot in road traffic also remain at risk: Last year, 47 pedestrians lost their lives (3 fewer than the year before). The number of pedestrians killed in accidents increased to Pedestrian crossing; most of them were senior citizens.

Pay more attention to seniors, cyclists and pedestrians

The bfu is convinced that with the expected increase in the number of older people in society - and thus also on the roads - the road safety of this population group must become more of a focus. The particular danger of non-motorized traffic should also be taken into account more consciously. These particularly vulnerable road users should be protected to the same extent by the Road safety improvements benefit in the same way as other stakeholders.

Text: bfu

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