Employees are ready for Mobile Access

In European companies, the majority of employees have no security concerns when using company smartphones. That's according to a recent survey by HID Global. This high level of confidence in the security of corporate mobile devices opens the way for mobile access solutions, according to identity solution providers.

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For the study interviewed HID Globally, over 1,200 employees from companies of all sizes in Germany, the UK and France. According to the survey, confidence in the security of mobile company devices is particularly high in SMEs. Across Europe, 75% of SME employees said they had no security concerns when using smartphones or tablets. This figure demonstrates a high level of confidence in companies' mobile security strategies and is particularly significant given that mobile devices are now used in many workplaces. For example, 78% of the SME employees surveyed reported that they regularly use company cell phones for work purposes.

Harnessing great confidence for Zuko

According to HID Global, SMEs should now take advantage of the great trust and the growing mobility trend to offer employees innovative solutions for access control. If mobile devices are ubiquitous anyway and employees have great confidence in their security, it is obvious to use cell phones & co. also for authentication when opening doors, as HID points out. Companies could also use temporary digital badges to give visitors and external service providers easy temporary access to the company building.

Easy to implement

It is important that the solution for access control via smartphone is easy to implement and, above all, offers employees a positive user experience. At the same time, it must be cost-effective, given the tight budgets that SMEs have compared to large enterprises. Upgrading to mobile access is also the ideal opportunity to close any remaining security gaps.

"Our survey reveals a high level of confidence among employees in their organizations' ability to protect data on mobile devices from external threats," said Harm Radstaak, vice president and managing director, Physical Access Control Solutions at HID Global. "This high level of trust and users' willingness to open doors with their smartphones will quickly lead to mobile devices soon becoming the standard in access control. This is especially true in SMBs, which have traditionally shown themselves to be particularly flexible and agile when it comes to innovation and efficiency."

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