Modernization in civil defense and civil protection
The Federal Council is putting the totally revised Civil Protection Act into force on January 1, 2021, and has approved the ordinances on civil protection and civil defense. The total revision strengthens the leadership, coordination and operational capability of civil protection in the event of a crisis, according to the Federal Council.

Since the last total revision of the Civil Protection Act (BZG) in 2002, the hazard situation in Switzerland has changed. This requires an adaptation of the civil defense system. The totally revised BZG, which was approved by parliament on December 20, 2019, creates the legal basis for this. This will enable the protection of the Swiss population to be improved in view of current and future threats.
Optimization of leadership and communication skills
The new legislation on civil protection provides the legal basis for optimizing the command and communication capabilities of the federal government and the cantons in the event of a crisis. In particular, with fail-safe and protected connections between all relevant federal and cantonal agencies. It also makes it possible to modernize the system for alerting the population and for event communication, and to adapt it to the new habits in media use among the population.
Compulsory protective service now lasts 14 years
The part on civil defense brings a reduction in compulsory service and a flexibilization of the service system: Currently, compulsory protective service lasts from the age of 20 until the age of 40. Now, those obliged to perform protective service will have to serve for 14 years or 245 days. Although the revised law stipulates twelve years, it gives the Federal Council the option of extending the service period by two years. At the request of the cantons, the Federal Council has made use of this option in the Civil Defense Ordinance (ZSV). The aim is to counteract the marked decline in the number of civil defense recruits for some time now and the resulting shortage of personnel. In addition, a personnel pool is intended to facilitate the equalization between cantons with over- and under-staffing.
Two instead of nine regulations
At the ordinance level, the total revision will bring simplification and streamlining: nine ordinances will be merged into the Civil Protection Ordinance (BevSV) and the Civil Protection Ordinance (ZSV). The BevSV regulates the cooperation of the agencies involved in civil protection, alerting and information in the event of an incident, as well as the joint telematics systems of the Confederation, the cantons and third parties. The ZSV primarily contains provisions on the duty of protection and protective structures. The two ordinances will enter into force together with the ZSV on January 1, 2021.
Source: Confederation, DDPS
The individual regulations and explanations can be found here.