Net tool for information about own data

According to the Data Protection Act, every person has the right to know what data is stored about them and - if necessary - to have it deleted or corrected. Netzgesellschaft Digitale Gesellschaft has developed an online generator to quickly and easily submit a data request to the relevant companies.

Digital society
Screenshot: Digital Society

The Digitale Gesellschaft, a non-profit network society for digital rights, has launched a web service through which interested parties can easily request information about their own data from companies and authorities.

Via the online tool at request for persons can request information about their data. It is also possible to have incorrect data corrected or data deleted. Among the data that can be requested is, for example, data retention data from mobile phone providers. However, it is also possible to request one's own health data from health insurance companies or data on creditworthiness from credit rating databases.

Such information must be provided in full within 30 days. The online generator was designed with special attention to user-friendliness and "privacy by design," says Erik Schönberger, managing director of the Digital Society and head of the project.

Source: Digital Society


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