New evidence on structural racism

Discrimination in the workplace makes people ill. The fact that structural racism is a reality in some areas of work in Switzerland is shown by a new basic study on which the Fachstelle für Rassismusbekämpfung (FRB) has published new results.

Structural racism
Image: depositphotos

According to the Federal Council, a baseline study by the Swiss Forum for Migration and Population Studies (SFM), commissioned by the Federal Office for Combating Racism (FRB), provides for the first time data on more than 300 research papers and interviews with 25 experts from academia and practice on structural racism issues.

The Study concludes that such tendencies exist in particular in the areas of employment, housing, authorities and naturalization, as well as to some extent in social security and in the police and judiciary.

Change of perspective

Even though there are still many gaps in our knowledge about the occurrence and impact of structural racism, the study provides important facts. It is an invitation to science and authorities as well as other actors in the fight against racism to close knowledge gaps and to plan measures.

In its final demands, the FRB calls for a change of perspective. In addition to measures in the relevant areas, changes in the attitudes of people or support for those affected are required to combat structural racism in a targeted manner. In concrete terms, there is a need for more offices and people who have the knowledge and resources to initiate measures. Questions that arise are who works in which institutions and which processes and rules have an exclusionary effect.

Source: Federal Department of Home Affairs

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