New date of the security fair in Lausanne

The most important meeting place for the security industry in French-speaking Switzerland will now take place in June 2021 at Beaulieu Lausanne, as Exhibit & More AG has just announced.

Security Fair
Photo: Thomas Entzeroth

In consultation with various industry representatives and after a thorough analysis of data from other industry events, it had been decided to Sécurité Lausanne to be held from June 16 to 18, 2021, writes the organizer.

The 6th edition of the Security Fair in Western Switzerland once again offered the opportunity to cultivate existing customer relationships, establish new contacts and initiate successful business relationships.

In 2021, further education and training in the accompanying forum will also be an important part of the event, so that a comprehensive overview of the industry as well as a transfer of knowledge at a high level will be guaranteed, it concludes.

Security Congress in Basel

Sécurité 2021 in Lausanne will thus alternate with the safety themes of Swissbau 2020 in Basel: Within this framework, the traditional Security Congress performed.


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