Emergency safety - what do you know?

What do in-house fire safety and evacuation workers need to know and be able to do?

Emergency exit sign

In many companies, so-called first aiders, i.e. fire protection and evacuation assistants, are on duty.

The training of these specialists begins with theoretical information about first aid. The practical part of the training includes hazard prevention (exercises with small extinguishers, training on protective clothing) as well as a walk-through of the company's internal rooms and facilities; this trains the eye for evacuation routes, critical areas, weak points and faults.

In an emergency, first responders must not only remain calm, but also take the right steps quickly. This requires them to master the necessary know-how. That's why MediaSec is publishing a test in the next issue of "SicherheitsForum" - which will be published at the beginning of May. Fire protection and evacuation helpers can test and refresh their knowledge. A multi-page questionnaire puts interested parties through their paces.

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