Private security services abroad

The agency has published its latest activity report regarding private security services provided abroad.

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The Federal Act on Private Security Services Provided Abroad (BPS) came into force on September 1, 2015. Since then, companies wishing to provide private security services from Switzerland are required to notify the competent authority in advance. The Private Security Services Section (SPSD) of the Political Directorate of the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA) is responsible for implementing the new law. In accordance with Article 37 of the FPS, the competent authority draws up an annual activity report for the attention of the Federal Council. The report can be viewed on the FDFA website.

Geographic concentration

In 2018, the competent authority received 479 notifications. They mainly concerned three groups of activities: Personal protection and guarding of goods and properties in a complex environment, private intelligence activities, and support to armed or security forces. There is a geographical concentration of activities in North Africa and the Middle East, where more than half of the reported activities were carried out, as well as in Europe and Central Asia.

In the reporting period, the competent authority initiated 16 investigation procedures under Article 13 BPS. In three cases, the notified activity could be carried out. In seven cases, the authority prohibited the reported activity in whole or in part. Six cases are pending.

The legal decisions taken or communicated in 2019 are set out in the Activity Report 2018 not taken into account. Moreover, the annual activity reports are general in nature and do not include information on individual cases.

No prohibited activities

The competent authority has not become aware of any activities prohibited under Articles 8 and 9 of the BPS. Consequently, no private security services were reported that could constitute direct participation in hostilities or lead to serious human rights violations. In its report, the competent authority gives a positive assessment of its activities in 2018, and the importance of the control mechanism established by the new law is increasingly widely recognized internationally.

Another important activity, in addition to the processing of notifications, was the continuous information and sensitization of companies that could be affected by the law. The information and awareness-raising work carried out by the competent authority was extended to other companies and also helped to increase companies' awareness of their obligations under the BPS.

At the international level, the agency participated in the dialogue on binding standards for private security companies and on the mechanisms for controlling their activities.

In the course of 2019, the competent authority intends to consolidate the processes for implementing the BPS, consolidate the coordination and information procedures developed with Seco, and publish the new versions of the guidance and the fact sheet on the BPS.

The competent authority will continue to face the challenges posed by new technologies and the increasing role of cyberspace.

Press release EDA


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