Ruffians and hooligans registered

Since the end of January 2015, 214 people have been newly registered in the Hoogan information system. At the same time, 148 persons were deleted from the system. The total number of persons registered in Hoogan as of the end of July 2015 is 1535.

Current figures from the Hoogan information system


Of the total 1535 registered, 14 are female, 71 % are related to football, 29 % are related to ice hockey.

With 46 %, just under half of those surveyed are between 19 and 24, 31 % are between 25 and 29, and 15 % are between 30 and 39. 5 % are between 15 and 18, and 3 % are between 40 and 69.

Measures recorded against violence at sporting events

Currently, a total of 1058 measures against violent persons are active to keep them away from sports stadiums and their surroundings. Active means in force at the moment. These include five reporting requirements, 412 area bans and 641 stadium bans.

A total of five reporting requirements, 128 rayon bans and 98 stadium bans were recorded in Hoogan during the 2014/2015 football season (Super League, Challenge League and Swiss Cup). During the 2014/2015 ice hockey season (National League A and B and Swiss Ice Hockey Cup), 80 rayon bans and 61 stadium bans were recorded. Proceedings that are still ongoing at the moment are not taken into account.

The active measures are based on the following facts (see figure). The Federal Office of Police fedpol issued 65 exit restrictions in connection with international matches in the past 2014/2015 season.

The information system

Fedpol has been operating the Hoogan electronic information system since August 2007. This system records data on persons who have behaved violently at sporting events in Switzerland and abroad. In concrete terms, Hoogan can be used to record information about people who have been subject to exit restrictions, measures under cantonal law (zone bans, reporting requirements and police custody) or stadium bans. These measures are intended to keep violent and violent risk fans away from sports stadiums and their surroundings. The police authorities in the cantons and cities are responsible for imposing bans, reporting requirements and police custody on individuals.

fedpol publishes the latest figures on the Hoogan information system twice a year. The next time the figures will be published at the end of January 2016. In between, no updated figures will be communicated.

Press release Federal Office of Police

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