Rega rescue mission with rescue winch

Die Rega stand kürzlich auf der Lägern bei Wettingen (AG) im Einsatz. Grund war eine Wanderin, die im steilen Gelände gestürzt war und sich am Fuss verletzt hatte. Die alarmierte Rega-Crew der Basis Dübendorf konnte die Verletzte an der Rettungswinde aus dem unwegsamen Gelände fliegen. An der Rettung beteiligt waren auch ein Rettungsspezialist Helikopter der Berufsfeuerwehr von Schutz & Rettung Zürich, eine Ambulanz sowie eine Patrouille der Aargauer Kantonspolizei.

Rega rescue specialists with their EC 145 helicopter at Rega's Dübendorf base on the occasion of the SanArena emergency rescue days 2018 (during a joint exercise with the professional fire department of Schutz & Rettung Zürich): Roman Felix (paramedic), Philippe Neth (emergency physician), Patrick Sieber (instructor) and pilot Alex Itin. © Markus Frutig/Safety-Plus

Shortly after 3 p.m. on July 15, a hiker who had an accident on the Lägern near Wettingen (AG) alerted the 144 emergency medical service, which dispatched an ambulance and a patrol of the Aargau cantonal police to the scene. The emergency services were able to reach the 45-year-old woman on foot and provide her with medical care on the spot, but transport to hospital proved impossible due to the challenging terrain. For the challenging rescue of the injured, the Emergency medical center 144 therefore set up a Rega rescue helicopter, which are equipped with a rescue winch.

Flown out of forest clearing on rescue winch

On their way to the scene, the crew from the Rega base in Dübendorf took a rescue specialist helicopter (RSH) from the professional fire department of Protection & Rescue Zurich on. The RSH are trained by Swiss Alpine Rescue and are called in to reinforce the Rega crew whenever mountain technical experience or support for rescue work is required. On site, the injured hiker was taken by the rescue teams to a nearby clearing, where she was flown out of the difficult terrain on the rescue winch below the helicopter and, after a stopover, transported to the nearest suitable hospital.

Winch is also regularly used in the midlands

Whenever a Rega helicopter is unable to land at the patient's home, the Rescue winch for use. This modern high-tech device with a rope length of up to 90 meters is designed for two persons. The Rega paramedic also acts as the winch operator: at the open side door, he uses a remote control to operate the rescue winch, from which he lowers the Rega emergency physician or an RSH to the patient. Even though the rescue winch is used more frequently in the mountains than on the Central Plateau, all Rega helicopters throughout Switzerland are equipped with a rescue winch. All Rega crews regularly train in the use of the rescue winch during the day and at night, as well as in joint exercises with the RSHs of the Alpine Rescue Switzerland.

Text: Rega Media Service

SanArena Emergency Days 2018

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