Bern meeting does not take place

The 23rd ISSS Bern meeting in November will not take place due to the current Corona situation, as the organizers have just announced.

Cyber Resilience
© depositphotos, Funtap

Too bad, due to the current Corona situation, the planned event on November 18, 2020 cannot take place, as the Information Security Society Switzerland (ISSS) has just announced. The event was organized in collaboration with the National Center for Cybersecurity (NCSC) organized.

The newly institutionalized NCSC is the federal government's competence center for cybersecurity and thus the first point of contact for the business community, administration, educational institutions and the general public on cyber issues. The NCSC is also responsible for the National Strategy for the Protection of Switzerland against Cyber Risks (2018 to 2021). The strategy outlines how the federal government intends to work with the business community, the cantons, and the universities to address cyber risks. In particular, very great importance is attached to the important factor of resilience, as can be seen very well in the current pandemic.

Source: ISSS / Confederation

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