SBB steps up action against vandalism

The rail company wants to step up its fight against vandalism. The damage runs into millions and ultimately seats are missing.

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Vandalism damage to SBB vehicles amounts to well over five million francs a year, and the trend is rising. Each damage and each graffiti causes costs that have to be borne by the general public, as the railroad writes. In addition, affected vehicles have to be taken out of service within 24 hours. As a consequence, passengers have fewer seats available. In order to further prevent such damage and to maintain high standards of cleanliness, the railroad is once again stepping up monitoring of the train compositions parked in the track fields, as it recently announced. In addition, all damages caused by vandalism will be reported to the police in any case (Art. 144 StGB, damage to property). Furthermore, it is pointed out that it is forbidden to enter the track field and that people would also put themselves in danger of death.

Investments in exterior cleaning

SBB is investing a total of more than 46 million Swiss francs in its external cleaning facilities - the newest and most modern train wash hall recently went into operation in Brig. Every day, a vehicle rolls into one of the ten train washing facilities in Basel, Zurich, Lucerne, Geneva, Oberwinterthur, Rorschach, Bellinzona, Brig or Biel every 15 minutes. Every year, around 277,000 car bodies are cleaned on the outside in these halls, which range in length from 90 to 130 meters, according to the railroad company. On average, a train is washed once a week. According to SBB, 35 million Swiss francs have been invested in train cleaning facilities throughout Switzerland over the past eight years, and the washing facilities in Zurich-Herdern and Geneva will be renewed and made more energy-efficient for a further 11 million by 2023. Most of SBB's cleaning facilities are fully automated, require fewer chemicals and recycle the wash water.

Source: SBB

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