Firearms deployments at record low
In the last 14 years, there have never been as few firearms deployments as in 2023. In total, the Swiss police corps had to make use of firearms twice last year.
In 2023, on the other hand, there was an increase in deployments with electric impulse pistols, where electric impulses had to be triggered.
The use of police resources is always based on the principle of proportionality. The use of firearms is only permitted as a last resort if no milder or more suitable means are available. The use of firearms by the police has been at a low level for several years and reached a new low last year with two deployments. One person was seriously injured in the two firearms deployments in 2023.
The electric impulse pistols had to be triggered a total of 86 times in 2023. This is 17 more deployments than in the previous year, but corresponds to the average of the last three years.
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