Switzerland sets ten goals for health

With Health2020, Switzerland has set itself ten priorities on the topic of health.

The new priorities include the revised radiation protection ordinances.

The Federal Department of Home Affairs (FDHA) has once again defined ten priorities for 2016 as part of the Health 2020 strategy. A new national strategy against non-communicable diseases and the reduction of inefficient medical services have already been launched.

The head of the FDHA, Alain Berset, informed the Federal Council about the progress made and the priorities for the coming years. For the current year, the FDHA has defined ten priorities in line with the Federal Council's annual objectives:

  1. Adoption of the revised radiation protection ordinances
  2. Decision on how to proceed with the total revision of the Federal Act on Human Genetic Testing (HGTA)
  3. Adoption of the "National strategy for the prevention of non-communicable diseases (NCDs)"
  4. Adoption of the revised Ordinance on Risk Equalization in Health Insurance (VORA)
  5. Start of consultation on the amendment to the Federal Health Insurance Act for the introduction of a reference price system
  6. Adoption of resources for the creation of a Health Technology Assessment unit
  7. Opening of consultation on the new regulation of the obligation to pay benefits for complementary medical services in compulsory health insurance
  8. Decision on the entry into force of the Federal Act on the Electronic Patient Record and the associated implementing provisions at the beginning of 2017
  9. Adoption of the Suicide Prevention Action Plan (in fulfillment of Motion Ingold 11.3973)
  10. Adoption of the dispatch on the approval and implementation of the Council of Europe's Medicrime Convention

Sustainable financing is a central concern of Health2020 in view of the continuing rise in healthcare costs. For this reason, increasing efficiency is given even more weight in all measures and sub-projects.

2015 balance sheet: eight out of ten priorities fulfilled
In 2015, eight out of ten priorities were implemented as planned. The Federal Council adopted four dispatches, three national strategies and one report:

  1. Message on the partial revision of the Federal Health Insurance Act for better management of the outpatient sector
  2. Dispatch on the amendment of the Federal Health Insurance Act to strengthen quality and efficiency
  3. Dispatch on the Federal Act on Tobacco Products
  4. Dispatch on the Federal Act on Healthcare Professions
  5. National strategy on antibiotic resistance
  6. National strategy on addiction
  7. National strategy for monitoring, preventing and combating nosocomial infections
  8. Report on strengthening patients' rights (in fulfillment of the Kessler, Gilli and Steiert postulates).

Two further reports, which have been set as priorities for 2015, are to be completed this year. The report on long-term care will be submitted to the Federal Council in the coming weeks. The report on the intended measures in the area of mental health has been postponed in order to coordinate the measures with the "Prevention of non-communicable diseases" strategy (NCD strategy), which was adopted by the Federal Council in April 2016.

Health 2020
With the Health2020 strategy launched in 2013, the Federal Council aims to improve the healthcare system in a targeted manner in close dialog with healthcare policy partners. The healthcare system is to be optimally aligned with the challenges of the future. The focus is on people and their needs. The strategy comprises four areas of action: quality of life, equal opportunities, quality of care and transparency, with a total of 12 objectives.

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