Security report reveals new dimension of threat

Swisscom continuously monitors the global security situation on the Internet and publishes its analyses annually. In the latest Security Report, the worrying increase in global identity theft and Internet espionage is particularly striking.

To map the threat situation and its evolution, Swisscom uses a radar. © Swisscom


Unfortunately, cyberattacks on companies are already a daily occurrence internationally. The consequences are serious: around one million user account login details were stolen in seven major data leaks in Switzerland alone in a wide range of industries and at various companies - this makes the Security Report 2017 by Swisscom is published for the first time. Also exclusive to the report is an overview showing how severely individual Swiss industrial sectors, as well as our media and administration, are affected by these data thefts.

Other contents of the report:

  • The virtual security situation as a current threat radar
  • Bonuses for vulnerability discoverers: Experiences and current figures from the first year of the Swisscom Bug Bounty Program.
  • Where stolen data from data leaks goes and how it impacts the economy and society ("Known Unknowns").
  • Targeted and averted attack on thousands of users as a result of the exposure of data from a data leak
  • How innovative approaches prevent attacks and better protect customers (e.g. "Phishing Inspector")

Cyber threats are mostly technical in nature, but effective countermeasures are not simply a matter of technology. Knowledge is one of the most effective defensive measures - knowledge of interrelationships and possible countermeasures. With the Security Report, Swisscom therefore wants to share its knowledge with society, raise awareness of dangers and make protective measures more widely known.

Source: Swisscom

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