Working safely and healthily in times of digitalization

This year, the Swiss Conference for Occupational Safety is dedicated to the topic "Safe and healthy working in times of digitalization".

Depositphotos, Khaligo

Digitization and Work 4.0 are a topic in practically every company. It's not just about the paperless office, home office and cloud computing, but digitization is also increasingly affecting production. With "augmented reality," agile teams, drones and cobots, new technologies and ways of working are making their way in. What opportunities and risks does digitalization bring for occupational safety and health protection of employees? What effects can already be seen today - and what will the future bring? How should digitalization be designed so that people benefit from it and remain healthy and productive?

When and where?

The Occupational Safety Conference (STAS) 2023 provides practical tips to ensure that digitization also becomes a success factor in this respect. Participants will receive new impetus for the implementation of occupational safety and health protection in their own companies at the one-day course. Speakers from industry, administration, research and science will speak on the topic.

The next event on the topic of "Working safely and healthily in times of digitalization" will take place on October 19, 2023 in the Kursaal Bern and can also be followed online.

Info/registration here

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