Safe apprenticeship

Every year, around 25,000 apprentices in Switzerland suffer an occupational accident, three of which are fatal on average. In other words, every eighth apprentice has an accident every year. To counteract this situation, Suva launched the "Safe apprenticeship" campaign at the beginning of 2013.

Young people must be made aware of accident-free apprenticeships as early as possible
Young people must be made aware of accident-free apprenticeships as early as possible
Learners have accidents much more frequently than their experienced colleagues at work
Learners have accidents much more frequently than their experienced colleagues at work

For one year she has been leading the Campaign in cooperation with partner organizations. Everyone agrees on one point: young people must be made aware of the need for an accident-free apprenticeship as early as possible. It is important to say stop when there is danger or uncertainty and to clarify the situation with experienced employees. Job-specific document folders, known as starter kits, contain everything that can be used to train and sensitize apprentices for a safe apprenticeship period. "In the training of apprentices, vocational trainers and supervisors play a key role in occupational safety. Suva's starter kits help them to fulfill this role," emphasizes Raphael Ammann, campaign manager at Suva.

The high accident figures can be explained by the fact that trainees are not yet able to assess the dangers in the workplace, do not yet have a systematic way of working, sometimes overestimate their own abilities or do not dare to ask questions if they are uncertain," says André Meier, head of the occupational safety department at Suva.

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