Safety fatigue?

The vast majority of companies are still not sufficiently prepared for cyber security attacks from the Internet. This is one of the key findings of the "Global Threat Intelligence Report 2016" recently presented by NTT Com Security. Compared to the previous year, the report found no progress - on the contrary.

Based on information from 24 security operations centers, seven research and development sites, 3.5 trillion log entries and 6.2 billion security attacks in 2015, the Global Threat Intelligence Report shows (GTIR) that 77% of companies and organizations are unprepared for cyber attacks, a three-point increase from the previous year, according to NTT Com Security.

"Preparedness and planning against such attacks seems to be stagnant at best," states Kai Grunwitz, of NTT Com Security. "The reason could be due to a combination of 'security fatigue' - i.e., lots of advanced security breaches, information overload and conflicting advice - rapid technological change, investment backlog and increasing regulation."

In fact, many companies are repeatedly confronted with new types of security threats, but on the other hand are struggling with a lack of human resources in IT security. To make the most effective use of existing IT staff, the focus should be on prevention and a detailed defense plan against such threats, NTT advises.

This year's GTIR also points out that retail is now the industry with the most attacks: around 22% of all attacks in 2015 targeted retail companies. In previous years, the financial industry was still the focus of attacks.

Further detailed results of the report can be here can be retrieved.

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