Security industry with decline in sales

As the industry statistics for 2015 collected by the Association of Swiss Security System Installers, or SES for short, show, sales declined noticeably compared to the previous year.

The companies achieved according to the SES-According to industry statistics, the cumulative order volume was just over 668 million Swiss francs. The decline is mainly due to the areas of fire protection, writes the association. Sales in the field of wet extinguishing have fallen by around 10%. In addition to a marked drop in margins, the new fire protection guidelines introduced on January 1, 2015, certainly played a role, the statement says.

Video security scored positively

In the security environment, only the video security segment was able to close the year with positive results compared to the previous year. Access control and intrusion detection systems also closed the year slightly down on the previous year. Here, too, the picture of price erosion is clear, according to the SES. The association also cites the euro/CHF exchange rate as a reason.

Quality criteria and safety standards

The Association of Swiss Installers of Security Systems comprises the leading companies in this industry in Switzerland. All SES members undertake to comply with a wide range of quality criteria and safety standards, as SES points out. SES members are among the specialized companies recognized by the Association of Cantonal Fire Insurers (VKF) and/or certified according to SES guidelines. In addition, the Security Section also includes proven installers of access control (AC) and video surveillance systems (Videosecurity, VS).

SES will provide further information with a review and outlook at its general meeting on May 19, 2016 in the KKL Luzern. Among other things, the topic of "digital building" will also be addressed. Markus Weber, the president of "Building Digital Switzerland". It will be interesting to see to what extent this topic affects the security industry.

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