Security industry: Volume exceeds 700 million for the first time

As the industry statistics for 2016 collected by the SES Association show, sales developed positively by 5.6% compared to the weak previous year. Compared to the strong year 2014, there was a plus of 2.1%. According to the association, the companies achieved a cumulative order volume of 705,855 million francs.


According to industry statistics, the security companies affiliated to the association have for the first time reached a volume that exceeds the 700 million mark. In these statistics of the Association of Swiss Installers of Security Systems (SES) is dominated, as always, by fire alarm systems (red bar): According to the chart (see above), the order volume here is a good 267 million Swiss francs, slightly less than in 2012 and 2013 (over 268 million Swiss francs each), but significantly more than in 2015 with 258 million Swiss francs.

All safety areas increased

It is particularly pleasing that all security sectors were able to increase, as the association writes in its just-published statement. The growth in intrusion and hold-up alarm systems (EMA) was outstanding, which tended to be due to a strong need for modernization of aging systems. Orders received for EMA systems increased from CHF 119 million (2015) to CHF 131 million (2016).

Growth in the sprinkler segment appears to be above average, as SES further points out. However, after adjusting for the change in membership, growth would only amount to around 2%. As in the previous year, a significant price collapse was noticeable in the sprinkler market in 2016, according to the association.

Companies must comply with quality criteria

SES comprises the leading companies in the security industry in Switzerland. All SES members undertake to comply with a wide range of quality criteria and safety standards, the association emphasizes. They are among the specialized companies recognized by the Association of Cantonal Fire Insurers (VKF) and/or certified according to SES guidelines. In addition, the Security section also includes proven installers of access control (AC) and video surveillance systems (Videosecurity, VS), it concludes.









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