Security screening of airport personnel is expanded

Airport personnel will be more closely monitored as a result of a Federal Council decision to combat terrorism. Switzerland is thus adapting airport staff security rights to those of the European Union. 

Airport staff

Very high security standards apply at airports today. This also includes the screening of personnel working in the security area of an airport. The European Union (EU) has extended the requirements for this so-called background check: It is mandatory to obtain police and intelligence information.

The bilateral air transport agreement with the EU obliges Switzerland to adopt these new requirements. The necessary legal basis for this was created by the Federal Law on Police Measures to Combat Terrorism (PMT), which was approved by 56.6 percent of voters on June 13, 2021.

EU implementation deadline met

The corresponding articles do not have to be specified at ordinance level and can therefore enter into force early on January 1, 2022. In this way, Switzerland meets the EU deadline for the implementation of the extended safety check. The entire PMT Act and the associated ordinance are expected to enter into force in the first half of 2022.

Source: Federal Council

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