Security technology: optimal business situation

According to the BHE Bundesverband Sicherheitstechnik (Federal Association for Security Technology), specialist installers are very satisfied with the business situation.

The rising number of residential burglaries is stimulating business.

The growing interest of private individuals in security technologies is also making itself felt among specialist installers: In the current economic survey of the BHE Federal Association for Safety Technology in Germany, specialist installers rated the business situation in the private sector with an average of 2.55 on the school grade scale, the best value since measurements began, as BHE writes.

"The survey confirms the growing demand from private users," says BHE Managing Director Urban Brauer. This development is due, among other things, to the increasing number of home burglaries in Germany over the last few years.

The positive development of demand is probably also a reason for the overall high level of satisfaction with the overall business situation. This was awarded an index of 1.97 by the specialist installers, also a new best mark in the BHE survey.

The future business situation was also assessed more positively than ever before (2.11). It is therefore hardly surprising that around 51% of the companies surveyed were planning to recruit further employees and 48% would like to maintain their headcount.

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