Special event on aluminum

The geochemical cycle of aluminum has so far been the focus of little research, but this has changed in recent months. A door has now been opened that was previously only ajar: into the biotic cycle that initiates and further promotes the deposition of aluminum in flora, fauna and especially in humans.

Nowadays, aluminum is present in many products: Vaccines, food, cosmetics, etc. and accumulates especially in the brain as a neurotoxin. © Depositphotos/olegbabich

Recent developments, as well as the entry of aluminum into the life cycle, show no evidence of improvement but rather a further increase in aluminum exposure. Therefore, it is now absolutely essential that we come to understand as fully as possible how humans are exposed to aluminum and what the consequences of increasing exposure will be for the human body. The aluminum age has dawned, there is now an urgent need to deal safely and effectively with the light metal. The organizer SSAAMP | Swiss Society for Anti-Aging Medicine and Prevention invites to the exclusive event with experts on the topic.

Date: November 1, 2018

Place: Au Premier/HB Zurich



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Film The aluminum file

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Aluminum in vaccines

Aluminum in vaccines - how much aluminum can we tolerate?

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