Playing against hackers

Hacker attacks on Swiss companies are becoming increasingly frequent and professional. Employees therefore need to be particularly vigilant. In order to better prepare them for possible attacks, Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts has developed a free online game for companies.

Sensitization game

Crime on the internet is growing. Among other things, "ransomware attacks" - malware used to steal and encrypt company data - regularly make the headlines. It is therefore important to raise employee awareness. This can also be done through play. In collaboration with the game designers at Fabula Games, cyber security experts from Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts (HSLU) has therefore developed a free online game to raise awareness among employees in companies.

"The biggest gateway is the human being"

Oliver Hirschi, lecturer at the Department of Computer Science at HSLU and co-developer of the game, explains: "The biggest gateway for ransomware attacks is the human being. Among other things, we have to start there." People have quickly clicked on a link in a seemingly trustworthy email, opened an attachment or accessed a fake website. Criminals then use this gateway to gain access to confidential data or install dangerous software on the device. "These attacks are very professional these days - recognizing them is becoming increasingly challenging. Employees therefore need to be better sensitized and trained," says Hirschi.

Playful for better protection

Hirschi and his team deliberately chose an interactive approach that differs from a pure information campaign. In the game, you find yourself in a supposedly everyday office situation - but then become the target of cyber criminals. The aim is to recognize the ransomware attack as quickly as possible and react correctly. The player is faced with various decisions. Anyone who successfully clicks through all the tasks will receive a personal evaluation and further information on protection against hacker attacks at the end. The game can be used by companies as desired and integrated into awareness-raising campaigns.

> The awareness-raising game is available free of charge on the information platform of "eBanking - but secure!" (EBAS), which the HSLU operates as a service for banks and companies. Download:

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