St.Gallen police drive with hydrogen, but not for manhunts

The St.Gallen cantonal police have unveiled their latest vehicle: a hydrogen-powered car.

The hydrogen-powered vehicle of the St.Gallen cantonal police.
(PD Kapo St.Gallen)

Hydrogen-powered vehicles have also long since left the testing grounds, otherwise they would hardly be used by the police. The St.Gallen cantonal police already operate 20 electric vehicles, and are now additionally relying on the Hydrogen technology. This is a further step in the sustainability strategy of the blue light organization, they say. Starting in August, the hydrogen-powered Hyundai Nexo will be launched in St.Gallen - but not for tough 24-hour operations. The Nexo is not designed for a chase. The vehicle will be used by the traffic police, specifically in the traffic instruction department.

Like low-noise electric cars, hydrogen-powered cars do not emit harmful emissions. This statement from the police communications department is basically true. However, the fuel of these vehicle types is only "green" if renewable sources are also used for fuel or hydrogen production. This is taken into account in St.Gallen, because according to the information provided, the hydrogen comes from sustainable sources. The hydrogen car generates its own electrical energy with the help of a fuel cell. The gaseous hydrogen is stored in a tank under very high pressure.

High range, but only one refueling station

According to the police, the hydrogen car used by the traffic police achieves a high range of around 600 km and the tank is full within a few minutes. The disadvantage: There are currently hardly any hydrogen filling stations in the region. Depending on the base or police station, a gas pump is therefore usually not in the immediate vicinity. The company Osterwalder St.Gallen AG is the only provider in eastern Switzerland that now has a hydrogen filling station. Therefore, the hydrogen-powered car is used by the traffic instruction stationed in St.Gallen. Thus it could be refueled without big detours.

Can hydrogen cars also be used for other police missions and do the St.Gallen want to purchase more such vehicles? Experience will show, according to the cantonal police. Depending on the area of operation, the vehicles have to meet a wide variety of additional requirements in addition to the basic requirements. What is clear to the cantonal police is that, in addition to alternatively powered vehicles, they will continue to rely on diesels and gasoline-powered vehicles in the future. (rs)


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