Rising demand for security

Swiss companies are facing increasing threats from the cyber world. InfoGuard recorded a staff growth of 20%, the company writes.

Abstract Rising Arrows

The market for cyber security is a growing market. Especially since hacker attacks and industrial espionage affect companies from all industries - regardless of the size of the company.

"InfoGuard has grown in all areas, from security audits, pentesting and in consulting to the implementation of comprehensive security and network solutions and cloud and managed security services from our Security Operation Center in Baar," said Thomas Meier, CEO of InfoGuard AG.

This has a very positive effect on the number of employees: In the last year, 20% more positions were created - the provider now has 50 security experts (as of June).

At the InfoGuard Security Lounge on June 16, 2015, the provider's experts as well as various guest speakers and customers will shed light on cyber security from different angles under the title "Security is a balancing act".

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