Suva calls for slow return to work for accident victims

Suva requires that injured employees in minor cases should not be 100% on sick leave.

Being bored until the injury is completely healed doesn't have to be - at least partial reintegration is often possible sooner.

Suva complains that doctors often write employees who have had an accident 100% incapacitated for work - and this until they have fully recovered. And this is despite the fact that they are often at least partially fit for work again.

This is not ideal for several reasons: Firstly, reintegration becomes more difficult the longer the absence lasts; secondly, this causes unnecessarily high costs.

Suva therefore calls for people who have had an accident to be brought back to work as early as possible, at least gradually. This could, for example, initially be done with a part-time workload or a sheltered job.

To achieve this, Suva also provides employers with a newly revised form in which they can describe the workplace and activities of the injured person with minimal effort and provide this information to the attending physician. This tool is intended to make it easier for the doctor to assess the possibilities for reintegration.

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