Counter-terrorism: closer cooperation

Following the recent terrorist attacks in France and Austria, the EU countries and Switzerland want to cooperate more closely. External border protection is to be strengthened, the exchange of data on terrorist threats improved and cooperation between law enforcement agencies intensified.

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The Council of European Justice and Home Affairs Ministers agreed on November 13, 2020, that common approaches are needed. The EU member states and the associated Schengen countries would face the same challenges and similarly violent extremist movements, according to the tenor.

Keller-Sutter: Combating terrorism only works together

Switzerland also believes that strong cooperation in Europe is a key factor in preventing and combating terrorism, Justice Minister Keller-Sutter stressed: "The Vienna bomber's connection to Switzerland shows that fighting terrorism only works together." That is why Switzerland is interested in participating in the discussions at the EU level, she said. It is crucial to receive and exchange correct and complete information in a timely manner, she said.

The ministers agreed that the relevant authorities in Europe need to know who is entering the Schengen area and who is moving within it. Travel movements of persons posing a terrorist or violent extremist threat are a major challenge for security authorities. The Schengen developments that have been initiated, such as the Schengen Information System (SIS), interoperability and the development of Frontex into the European Border and Coast Guard Agency, are important measures for maintaining the free movement of persons in the Schengen area while ensuring a high level of security.

Switzerland has strengthened counterterrorism tools

In recent years, Switzerland has consistently and step by step strengthened its counterterrorism tools, the federal government writes in its statement. Since 2017, Switzerland has had a National Action Plan (NAP) to prevent and counter radicalization and violent extremism with preventive measures, it said. Parliament passed the Federal Law on Police Measures to Combat Terrorism (PMT) in the fall of 2020, which gives the police more preventive tools to deal with terrorist threats, it added. A partial revision of the Criminal Code (SCC) also strengthened criminal law instruments. The ban on the groups "Al-Qaeda," "Islamic State" and related organizations was transferred to permanent law and the penalty was adjusted with a maximum sentence of up to 20 years instead of five.

Source: Federal Department of Justice and Police

Proposal for new migration and asylum package 

The "video meeting" of the EU Council of Justice and Home Affairs Ministers took place in two thematic blocks. In the block on the proposal for a new migration and asylum package, Switzerland was represented by State Secretary Mario Gattiker. The German Presidency of the Council of the EU envisages reaching political agreement on the core elements of the package at the JHA Council on December 4. State Secretary Gattiker welcomed the fact that the EU Commission intends to take a comprehensive approach to the issue of migration with the package. He also underlined that the thrusts of the package and Switzerland's position on migration issues coincide in many areas, namely the desire for swift procedures at the external borders, the strengthening of the return policy, support for the particularly affected member states and efficient external border protection. With regard to the latter, it is important that the requirement of non-refoulement and fundamental rights are guaranteed at all times, according to the message of the Federal Department of Justice and Police.




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