Accident insurers of Europe met in Lucerne

Suva, Switzerland's largest accident insurer, invited the companies organized in the European Forum of Occupational Accident Insurers to its annual conference in Lucerne. The importance of digitalization for society and its impact on accident insurance were highlighted.

Meeting of the European Forum of Workers' Compensation Insurers in Lucerne: Digitalization is changing the world of work, the reality of the insured and the insurance industry. © SUVA/Christoph Arnet

In these days a meeting of the occupational accident insurers of the countries of Europe took place in Lucerne. The "European Forum of insurance against accident at work and occupational diseases" was founded in 1992. Its aim is to promote the exchange of experience and information between the organizations of the member countries. These are in the insurance of Occupational accidents and occupational diseases, prevention and rehabilitation are often confronted with the same problems.
"I am particularly pleased that Suva is welcoming the organizations of the professional accident insurers to the European Forum on the occasion of its 100th anniversary," said Daniel Roscher, member of Suva's Executive Board and this year's President of the European Forum. Suva invited to Lucerne to address the topic "Accident Insurance 4.0 - The Impact of Digitalization" together with the European workers' compensation insurers.

Digitalization is changing the accident insurance industry

Digitalization is changing the world of work, the reality of the insured and the insurance industry. There are new Accident hazards and social insurance is confronted with unprecedented questions - opportunities and risks. The keynote speakers at the conference addressed these and other questions in their presentations: The trend researcher and managing director of the Gottlieb Duttweiler Institute for Economic and Social Studies (GDI), Dr. David Bosshart, focused his presentation on the effects of digitalization on people. Based on a changing world of work, new questions arise not only in the area of accident prevention and reintegration after an occupational accident, but also for the administrative process of insurance companies.

Dr. Edlyn Höller, Head of the Insurance and Services Department of the German Social Accident Insurance (DGUV). The fact that artificial intelligence can become a social challenge and that artificial intelligence must therefore be at the service of society was underpinned and demanded by Prof. Dr. Klaus Mainzer, philosopher and science theorist. In addition to these presentations, the representatives of the participating countries had the opportunity to exchange ideas in workshops on the topics of "Big Data in Claims Management" or "Digitization and Rehabilitation" or "Digitization and Prevention" or "Work 4.0" and thus learn from each other. Next year, Lithuania will be the host country.


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