Uni Zurich and ZHAW tinker with cyber practice labs

As part of the Digitization Initiative (DIZH), the Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW) and universities in the canton of Zurich want to promote exchange with practitioners and the public on the topic of autonomous systems, clinical innovation, cybersecurity and digital health.

Uni Zurich and ZHAW tinker with cyber practice labs
Image: Pixabay

In the future, as part of a digitization initiative with the ZHAW and universities in the canton, a place is to be created at the Dübendorf Innovation Park where experts from science and industry will shape the future of autonomous systems, such as independently navigating drones, in an interdisciplinary manner and educate society about civilian applications in this field. In a first so-called structure call, the canton and DIZH are funding four structures with 8 million Swiss francs. The amount is to be doubled to at least 16 million francs for the next five years, as the University of Zurich announced in a Communication writes.

Embedded in the innovation structures are several programs, including the Zurich Applied Digital Health Center, which researches digital health solutions in the hospital context. The center is intended to bring experts from hospitals, research, development and industry closer together. Furthermore, a new cyber-resilience network of the Canton of Zurich is to counter the increasing threats from the Internet. The goal is to increase the resilience of Zurich as a business location and its population against cyber risks. Finally, interdisciplinary research in the context of digitization, health, ethics and design at a dedicated "Digital Health Design Living Lab" is intended to increase the population's trust, awareness and knowledge of health literacy and digitization.

Source: UZH

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