Update access control

Those who want to protect their facilities or prevent the theft of intellectual property are probably most likely to start by planning an appropriate access control system.

Access control (ZuKo) should not be an obstacle to authorized persons gaining access, but should clearly deny access to unauthorized persons. Based on structural, organizational and technical measures, attempts are made to successfully master this balancing act. Access control is an important preventive measure. It deters potential offenders, especially opportunistic offenders.

Access control systems have changed dramatically in recent years thanks to increasingly sophisticated technologies. This raises questions: Medium card or smartphone? What are the requirements of an operator in the first place? Should the ZuKo system be networked in the sense of an integral safety concept? What about merging with building technology? Where are the limits of system integration?

These and other questions and topics relating to ZuKo are answered by the Conference "Access control without barriers - planning and investment security". Answers (SES-symposium). The event will take place on June 18, 2015 in Zurich.

The event is organized by Save AG, a company of the galledia group.

Special edition appears

At the beginning of June, another special issue of the trade journal SicherheitsForum will be published, this time on the subject of access control. In addition to in-depth technical articles on the subject (planning aspects, data protection, practical examples, etc.), an almost 40-page market overview shows the ZuKo performance profile of manufacturers and specialist dealers.

A view copy of the special edition access control can be here be requested.

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