DDPS defines new security strategy
The Federal Department of Defense, Civil Protection and Sport (DDPS) has developed a new vision and strategy for its department consisting of five fields of action.
At the Federal Department of Defense, Civil Protection and Sport (DDPS), a new vision and strategy for the department is on the agenda.
The strategy essentially consists of five fields of action: security and protection, resilience, performance, digital transformation, and people and leadership, each with three strategic initiatives. The DDPS intends to align itself with these pillars in recent years.
The federal government has begun implementation in 2023, and the projects and measures are now to be driven forward across agencies, according to a statement.
A separate video clip is intended to illustrate the DDPS's new vision and strategy. The new mission statement reads: "Switzerland lives by its security. And the DDPS for the security of Switzerland. The DDPS - security for Switzerland".