Reliable visual fire monitoring

Image evaluation algorithms now also enable optical fire detection. However, there are still no binding standards for quality testing of these camera systems. For this reason, VdS has developed new guidelines on the subject.

The laboratory test. Photo: VdS

Large dimensioned spaces such as tunnels or many sales, production, storage areas as well as the critical atmospheres of the wood, textile or recycling industries are difficult to protect with classical fire detection technology. The development of increasingly precise mathematical algorithms now makes visual fire monitoring by camera systems possible. These systems detect smoke as well as flames automatically, mostly on the basis of visible spectral components and on the basis of predefined patterns such as variables. They thus serve as an important complement to monitoring by traditional fire detection techniques.

No standards yet

European standards for these young technologies do not yet exist. For this reason, VdS Schadenverhütung has developed guidelines for safe optical fire monitoring systems, the company writes. Manufacturers would receive extensive assistance for reliable developments - including with regard to disturbance variables such as sinusoidal oscillations or electromagnetic influences as well as fluctuating supply parameters.

Bettina Bormann, who is responsible for fire detection technologies in VdS product management, explains: "The new guidelines were based on a successful innovation test for Bosch Aviotec. And video-based systems have been used in the security sector for quite some time. We were thus able to draw on important practical experience for the development of application-specific requirements, so that we can now also support the numerous developments in the field of fire protection. The new test procedure now makes the reliability of these special systems objectively assessable and thus provable."

The guidelines VdS 3847, "Video camera equipment for visual fire monitoring", is available in the ready for download.

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