Beware of Fake PC Support

Once again, fake PC supporters are up to their mischief. This time, mainly in the French-speaking part of Switzerland. The Swiss cantonal police warn against the tricks of the alleged IT supporters. 

Beware of Fake PC Support
Image: depositphotos

The Swiss cantonal police are currently warning against cases of fraud involving fake computer support. Especially in the French-speaking part of Switzerland, many fake PC support providers are currently up to their mischief, as reported by the news agency SDA. According to the police, initial contact can be made directly by telephone or via a pop-up window that opens on the screen and contains a telephone number to call. In both cases, an old known scam of so-called fake supporters takes effect.

An old scam

Once the victims have been taken into the confidence of the perpetrators, who pose as help desk employees, the perpetrators are usually granted remote access. As part of the alleged repair, perpetrators grab passwords and personal data. The police recommend never accepting unsolicited calls from alleged operators of Microsoft or other computer helpdesks and terminating such calls immediately. Under no circumstances should you allow someone access to personal data or remote access to your home computer. If someone has gained access to your computer, you should immediately disconnect from the Internet and change all passwords or get help if necessary.

Source: SDA

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