Advantages of virtualization squandered?
According to a global survey by Kaspersky Lab on cybersecurity in virtual environments, three out of four companies rely on classic endpoint protection solutions.
Three out of four organizations (73%) use traditional endpoint security solutions within virtual environments. The resulting problems are: negative impact on performance and extreme system loads. One in three companies (34%) are simply unaware that specialized IT protection solutions for virtual environments are also available on the market. This is evident from the Survey from Kaspersky Lab.
Only 27% of the companies surveyed already use security solutions specially adapted to virtualization. Just under half of these (48%) are agent-based solutions, but these have a negative impact on performance and can thus cancel out the advantages of virtualization. Specially adapted agentless solutions are used in 35% of the companies surveyed. 15% rely on light agent technologies.
"Compared to traditional endpoint security solutions, specialized solutions for virtual environments are characterized by less resource consumption and better performance," explains Holger Suhl from Kaspersky Lab. "In addition, for very large installations, the ease of management of agentless solutions is extremely advantageous. And when deploying VDI platforms, only a light-agent approach can maintain good performance without sacrificing security."
Traditional security solutions can lead to a number of undesirable effects on virtual endpoints. If different devices search for malware at the same time or want to update their databases, this can depress performance. That's why special solutions allow the complex scanning and updating components to be outsourced to a separate Security Virtual Appliance (SVA). This reduces the negative impact on endpoint resources and prevents peak loads for the entire infrastructure thanks to central queue management and optimized scans.
Press release Kaspersky