What a traffic accident costs

The simulation of a traffic accident shows which emergency processes are triggered by this - and what they cost.

Simulated traffic accident: Emergency and rescue processes involve a great deal of effort.
Simulated traffic accident: Emergency and rescue processes involve a great deal of effort.

On March 25, 2015, for the first time in Switzerland, a Traffic accident simulated under realistic conditions. As part of the "The right thing to do" campaign, the various partner organizations want to raise awareness among road users in the area of road safety and show what costs are actually incurred in the event of an accident. Even though every single life saved is of course priceless, road accidents also often result in high costs for the general public: In Switzerland, these consequential costs add up to around 4.2 billion Swiss francs every year.

The simulation in Mont-sur-Lausanne used a simulated traffic accident to show in detail which emergency and rescue processes are triggered and what costs are ultimately incurred as a result.

Specifically, an accident between two vehicles was simulated, as well as the individual stages of the intervention chain: the arrival of the police and ambulance, the initial medical treatment by the emergency service, the extrication of the trapped occupants from the vehicles by the rescue corps, and finally the helicopter transport of the accident victims to the hospital. An enormous effort that can be triggered by even a minor inattention.

This information and prevention event was organized against the background of the campaign "The right behavior" carried out jointly by the TCS, the Vaud cantonal police, the competent authorities of the city and the canton, the road traffic office, Schutz und Rettung Lausanne and Rega.

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