What does the NDB see?
In mid-May, the Federal Council adopted, among other things, the report on the annual threat assessment of the NDA. One focus is also devoted to left-wing and right-wing extremist threats, some of which are taking on new forms.
At a meeting on May 12, 2021, the Federal Council approved the annual Threat Report in accordance with Art. 70 of the Intelligence Service Act (ISA). One chapter in the provisional report is devoted to "Prohibited Intelligence". Switzerland continues to be strongly affected by state espionage activities, but also by non-state actors. The focus is on authorities, parliament, the army, research institutes, the media and various economic sectors. Geneva was repeatedly targeted by prohibited intelligence activities. Foreign intelligence services also targeted critics of the regime, members of the opposition, and members of ethnic or religious minorities in Switzerland.
Right-wing extremist groups restructure
The potential for violence from right-wing and left-wing extremism continues to exist. Both scenes are well networked internationally. Right-wing extremists tend to be more restrained in their use of violence, but have a larger number of weapons at their disposal and practice martial arts. Structurally, the right-wing extremist scene is currently changing. In German-speaking Switzerland, for example, there have been regroupings and cooperation with younger groups. However, the risk of attacks motivated by right-wing extremism is definitely present.
Several attacks abroad had shown that extremist perpetrators of violence were also crossing the border into terrorism. In Switzerland, however, there were only isolated indications of such a development.
Corona skeptics targeted by left-wing extremists
The thematic areas of the left-wing extremist groups can be summarized under the keywords "anti-capitalism," "migration and asylum," "anti-fascism" and "anti-repression. For example, the scene has included the topic of "corona skeptics" in its repertoire because it assigns some of these people to the far-right scene. Left-wing extremists therefore organize counter-events time and again.
Another chapter covers attacks on critical infrastructure. Several Swiss federal agencies and private companies fell victim to foreign cyberattacks last year. Moreover, cybercriminals are constantly diversifying their patterns. Overall, the ability of international security organizations to act is decreasing, while the importance of a multistakeholder approach is increasing, the report concludes.
Source: NDB