Less accidents of snowboarders

Snowboarding accidents among young snow sports enthusiasts have decreased by around 30%. This is shown by the latest evaluations of Suva. One reason for this is that former snowboarders are skiing more often again.


The number of snowboard accidents is falling, especially in the 15-24 age group. This is shown by an evaluation of the Suva as part of the series "Accidents in figures". In the 2003/04 season, around 4600 snowboarders in this age group had accidents; in the 2012/13 season, the figure was just over 3100 accidents. This represents a decrease of more than 30%. "This development is probably due to the fact that fewer and fewer young people are snowboarding," says Rahel Rüetschli, a statistician at Suva. This is because they are either practicing fewer snow sports or because, according to Study Sport Switzerland increasingly switch from snowboard to skis.

Biggest effect with the eastern Swiss

The decrease in snowboard accidents is mainly due to young people in eastern Switzerland. They recorded the most snowboard accidents over the ten winter seasons considered. However, their accident figures have fallen by more than half: from 1000 accidents in 2003/04 to 420 accidents in the 2012/13 season. There has also been a marked decrease among 15 to 24-year-olds in the Mittelland: from 1060 to 640 accidents in the same period. "Among people from these two regions, not only are the absolute numbers of snowboarding accidents declining the most, but so is the proportion of snowboarding accidents among all snow sports accidents," says Rüetschli.

Adapt speed to ability

Snowboarders can also contribute to the reduction of snowboard accidents. Many accidents happen because snow sports enthusiasts do not assess their speed correctly. That's why Suva appeals to personal responsibility: drive carefully and adapt your speed to your ability and the conditions. Fewer accidents mean less suffering and lower costs. The latter, in turn, benefits Suva's policyholders, especially in the form of lower premiums, as Suva emphasizes.

And here's another tip: A new SafetyKit the BFU wants to ensure that employees can continue working unharmed after the ski day.

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