Additional funding for counterterrorism in Switzerland

The Federal Council today held a debate on the current situation regarding the terror threat posed by jihadists and obtained an overview of Switzerland's counter-terrorism disposition.

Federal Council approves additional funding for the fight against terrorism

There are still no indications of concrete threats and attack plans in Switzerland, according to a press release from the Federal Department of Justice and Police (FDJP). The security agencies would remain increasingly vigilant with regard to new indications. In order to selectively strengthen the preventive fight against terrorism, the Federal Council has decided to create six additional positions at the Federal Intelligence Service (FIS) for information gathering and processing, limited to three years, and to support the state protection agencies of the cantons with additional funds amounting to two million francs.

In Western Europe, there has basically been an increased terror threat since 2001, which has further increased in recent months. This is due to an increase in the number of jihadist-motivated travelers, combined with the increased number of returnees, but also to direct calls by jihadist groups to carry out attacks. In the wake of the generally heightened terror threat in Europe, the federal government already decided on additional measures in November and December 2014. These included the establishment of a task force to deal with cases of jihadist travelers and the banning of the groups "Al-Qaïda" and "Islamic State" by means of urgent federal legislation.

The threat to Switzerland remains elevated after the attacks in Paris, the FDJP said. In principle, an attack like the one in Paris cannot be ruled out in Switzerland. However, no concrete threats or attack plans have been identified for Switzerland.

The competent authorities have various means at their disposal in dealing with cases of suspected jihadists. In assessing the threat situation, the FIS relies on all kinds of intelligence sources. If the FIS detects a suspicion of a criminal act, it immediately forwards the information to the federal law enforcement authorities. In the area of early detection and combating jihadism on the Internet and in the task force for handling cases of jihadist-motivated travelers, there are special well-established channels for exchanging information and cooperation.

If a terrorist attack were to occur in Switzerland, the local cantonal police would take the first measures. There are defined structures and processes for coordination between the security authorities of the cantons and the federal government. These mechanisms of cooperation would be regularly reviewed and improved in real operations and in exercises. The lessons learned from attacks such as the one in Paris would also be taken into account.

With regard to the World Economic Forum WEF in Davos, the federal and cantonal security authorities examined whether to temporarily reintroduce checks on persons at the Schengen internal borders. According to the FDJP, however, no sufficiently concrete and serious threat to Switzerland's internal security in general and to the WEF in particular could be identified in the present case. The measures reinforced by the Border Guard Corps and the border control bodies of the Zurich and Bern cantonal police forces in the wake of recent events and in view of the WEF are sufficient for the current development of the security situation, according to the statement.

The detailed media release of the Federal Department of Justice and Police can be found at here.

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