Two years after Rana Plaza: No all-clear yet
Two years ago, a textile factory in Bangladesh collapsed, killing more than a thousand people. Have working conditions improved today?

Two years ago today collapsed the Rana Plaza factory building and buried textile workers inside. 1127 people died, almost 2500 were injured.
Particularly tragic about the disaster: The day before, on April 23, 2013, cracks had already been detected in the building. The police then banned access. However, the factory operators forced their employees, mostly female textile workers, to start work anyway.
After the collapse, Western companies that have their clothes sewn in the country signed an agreement to improve working conditions locally. Since then, a lot has happened - but not enough by a long shot: The occupational health and safety organization IndustriALL, based in Geneva criticizedthat still not a single factory in the country is safe. The promised refurbishments are also lagging far behind schedule.
In addition, according to IndustriALL, US$ 6 million in compensation for those affected is still missing from the total US$ 30 million promised by the garment industry.