6500 accidents per year while sledging

In winter sports, many sledders still suffer serious injuries every season. Often there are self-accidents or collisions with the environment or people. Every sixth injury affects the head.


According to the Swiss Council for Accident Prevention (BFU), an average of 6,500 accidents occur each year while sledding. The victims usually have to seek medical treatment after an accident. There are often self-accidents and collisions, for example with other people, trees, barriers, posts or cars.

Worryingly, one in six injuries affects the head, because not even half of adults sled on the snow slopes with a helmet. The BFU complains: Anyone who owns a snow helmet should definitely put it on before every ride. As an alternative, bicycle helmets are also suitable to prevent serious skull and brain injuries.

Almost as important, however, are sturdy shoes with a good tread to be safe while sledding. In the specialized trade there are additional braking aids that can be attached to the shoes. In some sledding regions, these can also be rented.

Some of the tobogganing accidents are also due to the choice of toboggan, as the BFU further writes. The classic "Davoser" or "Grindelwalder" sleds, for example, are not intended as sports equipment, but are actually used to transport loads. A toboggan is easier to steer downhill.

Key prevention measures:

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