Voice alarm systems conforming to standards

In the event of an emergency or fire, every second counts. Modern voice alarm systems (SAA) help to evacuate the affected rooms quickly by providing clear instructions on how to behave. The BHE offers planners and installers new documents.

However, human lives can only be saved if the planning, project planning and installation of the voice alarm systems (SAA) is carried out by specialist companies in compliance with and on the basis of the relevant standards, such as the BHE Bundesverband Sicherheitstechnik writes. Since according to DIN VDE 0833-4 "Specifications for systems for voice alarm in the event of fire" a voice alarm system must be controlled by a fire alarm system (BMA), DIN 14675 must also be observed and complied with in addition to the aforementioned DIN, the statement continues.

The checklists and working papers of the BHE expert committee for voice alarm systems (FA-SAS) offer assistance for planners and installers. In recent months, various new papers have been produced and existing documents revised and adapted to the current version of the DIN VDE 0833-4 has been adapted: Among other things, the commissioning protocol, the maintenance checklist and the overview "Notes and obligations for operators of an SAA" are now available in updated form.

New additions include a handover and acceptance protocol as well as templates, for example to confirm the "inspection" by the operator. The form "Requirements for voice alarm systems" has also been newly developed and offers support in the concept and planning phase, according to the Federal Association.

On April 13, 2016, a seminar will be held in Cologne on the topic of "Voice alarming: planning/project planning according to current DIN VDE 0833-4: 2014-10".


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