Brain stroke: it can affect anyone

Stroke is a stroke of fate and a widespread disease. Every ten years of our lives, the risk of suffering a stroke doubles. In Europe, stroke is the second leading cause of death and the third leading cause of disability.

The cerebral stroke has become a widespread disease, because we take in less and less vitamins, minerals and trace elements, which permanently damages all vascular walls and makes them fragile, which is why cholesterol, and lipoproteins, among other things, then accumulate, which in turn can lead to life-threatening occlusions in the cerebral or cardiac arteries. © Depositphotos/stockdevil_666

The very prospect of being disabled or even dependent on care for the rest of one's life as a result of a stroke is a horror scenario for many people. Even if symptoms such as one-sided paralysis, speech disorders or a drooping corner of the mouth occur for a short time, referral to a specialized hospital must be requested immediately by calling the emergency number 144.

Recognize early and act correctly
The brain is responsible for everything we think, feel and do. It weighs only 2% of our body weight, but consumes 20% of circulating blood. The brain cell has no energy reserves set aside for "worse times". A stop of blood circulation cannot be bridged by other energy sources: There is an immediate loss of brain cell function and, minutes to hours later, cell death. In the case of a cerebral stroke, a cerebral artery is blocked and the blood supply to the affected vascular area is interrupted. Within seconds, this area loses Brain area its function, which is why the symptoms occur abruptly. Because the brain has no pain sensation, a stroke is not painful. Hemiplegia as well as hemiplegia, drooping corner of the mouth and speech disorder are the most common stroke symptoms. If someone abruptly exhibits any of these symptoms, the likelihood of a brain stroke is very high. He or she must be taken immediately by ambulance to a hospital, preferably one with a stroke unit (call 144).

Importance in acute cerebral stroke
A stroke unit is staffed by nursing specialists, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, speech therapists, swallow therapists and physicians with specialized knowledge of stroke therapy - and rehabilitation. The procedures are fast and precise. Acute cerebral stroke requires an extremely fast procedure so that the right course of therapy can be set immediately. Only in the first few hours is it possible to reopen an occluded cerebral artery - through a so-called Lysis therapy. Here, every minute counts to avert harm. Treatment outside such a stroke unit increases the risk of being disabled after a stroke. The superiority of the stroke unit model over treatment in a "normal ward" has been proven by several scientific studies. Even if the symptoms of a stroke last only a few minutes, the so-called TIA (transitory ischemic attack, "streak") must be clarified immediately. This is often a harbinger of an imminent Brain strokes. Immediate, targeted preventive therapy is essential to prevent stroke, and thus possible permanent disability.

Stroke prevention
High blood pressure, smoking, diabetes, high cholesterol and obesity are the most important treatable risk factors for stroke. If these factors are taken into account through a healthy diet, exercise and, if necessary, medication, the risk of a stroke is significantly reduced. This is where the family doctor can provide advice and support.

Stroke Unit and Carotid Surgery
As one of the few hospitals in the canton of Zurich, Limmattal Hospital has a service contract for carotid surgery (surgery of the carotid artery). Here the Stroke Unit of the Limmattal Hospital closely with our own vascular surgery, angiology and radiology. Carotid stenosis (narrowing of the carotid artery) is one of the more common causes of stroke. It is feared because of the immensely high risk of recurrent stroke. Successful carotid surgery is characterized by rapid availability of surgery, low complication rate of the surgeons, and good indication and follow-up.

Stroke Unit of the Limmattal Hospital successfully recertified
For the past four years, the Limmattal Hospital has been operating a special unit for stroke patients, the so-called Stroke Unit. This was recently approved by the stroke commission of the SFCNS (Swiss Federation of Clinical Neuro-Societies) in an elaborate audit process. Only 24 other Swiss hospitals have a certified stroke unit, four of them in the canton of Zurich. The cause of a stroke is a circulatory disorder in the brain. The fastest possible therapy with restoration of blood circulation by reopening the blocked cerebral artery is essential for the affected person to avert imminent disability.

Text: Limmattal Hospital

Duty Senior Physician Emergency/Stroke Unit: Tel. 044 736 89 86

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