Sensitize learners to accident hazards

Every year, one in eight apprentices suffers an occupational accident. Entering the world of work can be not only interesting, but also dangerous. That's why it's important to make young people aware of the dangers of accidents.

Accident prevention
Entering the workforce is fraught with accident hazards. © Suva

For many young people, a new phase in life has begun. While some prefer to continue their education at school, others dare to enter professional life. According to the Swiss Federal Statistical Office (SFSO), more than 60,000 young people decide to start an apprenticeship every year. In 2021, the BfS recorded a total of around 212,000 young people who were in an apprenticeship relationship.

Learners are twice as likely to have an accident

A look at the statistics shows that starting a career is also fraught with danger. The risk of suffering an occupational accident is practically twice as high for apprentices as for other employees. The risk of accidents during leisure time is also 80 percent higher for apprentices than for other employees. Every year, apprentices have a total of almost 25,000 accidents at work and 43,000 accidents during their free time. Every year, as many as two apprentices suffer fatal accidents in the course of their work.

Important role models have great influence

The reasons why apprentices have accidents more often are obvious. For newcomers to the profession, everything is new; they are not used to handling hand tools and machines. In addition, many underestimate the dangers or overestimate their own abilities. In addition, many accidents happen because trainees do not have the confidence to ask questions if they are unsure or to say stop at the moment of danger. That's why vocational trainers, supervisors and employees play a key role. They serve as role models and have the task of introducing the learners to the safety culture of the company.In this interaction, the vocational trainer plays a key role. He or she is responsible for ensuring that the apprentices are aware of Suva's vital rules and that these rules are systematically instructed and regularly repeated. This also includes the use of personal protective equipment (PPE).

Effective safety campaign

In 2012, Suva focused on accident prevention among apprentices with its "Safe and Healthy Apprenticeship" campaign. The offering is aimed at vocational trainers, vocational schools and ultimately the learners themselves, and ranges from online prevention modules to physical experience courses. A key prevention tool is the experience course for work and leisure safety and the "Fit for work & life" module for learners' mental health.

On these courses, learners can experience first-hand at a total of eight stations and five sub-modules how quickly an accident can happen and what to look out for to prevent it.

Suva's work is having an effect, as since 2014 there has been a downward trend in the number of accidents among apprentices.

Author: Adrian Vonlanthen, Media Spokesman Suva 

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