Mental illness among employees

Mental illness is widespread in Switzerland. It is estimated that one in two people is affected at some point in their lives. With more people working from home, employers face additional challenges in dealing with mental illness or mental health problems.

mental illnesses

Mental illness often manifests itself for the first time in adolescence. For this reason, it is important to pay particular attention to learners. However, it is particularly difficult for them to recognize whether a certain behavior is due to puberty or whether a mental illness is behind it. Severe stress situations such as life crises - death of close relatives, separation, loss of work, serious accidents, illnesses - can lead to an initial onset, aggravate existing illnesses, or lead to relapses.

An accentuation of mental illness can also occur as a result of severe stress in connection with work or, as in the past year, with the exceptional situation surrounding the Covid 19 pandemic. In 2020, for example, many more adolescents and adults sought telephone counseling on suicidality from Pro Juventute and the Dargebotene Hand than in previous years, and psychiatric outpatient clinics were busier. At the same time, however, a large proportion of the population reported that they were even better off than before the pandemic.

How do mental illnesses manifest themselves in employees?

The effects of mental illness can be as individual as the person themselves. Many people with mental illness work without failures and perhaps only show individual abnormalities in behavior or performance.

Others are absent for days to weeks or require inpatient treatment. In individual cases, there is even (attempted) suicide. Since the course of the Covid 19 pandemic, it has become increasingly clear that working from home will become more common than before. In Switzerland, about 30 percent or more of activities can be performed from the home office. For people with mental health problems, this means a reduction in important social support in some cases. Colleagues and superiors fulfill this function at the place of work. Especially in the case of single persons, this can be significant. In addition, the ability of supervisors and employees to detect deteriorating health and take early action is limited when working in a home office compared to personal contact at the place of work.

Tasks of the operation

Companies can do their part to improve the mental well-being of their employees by analyzing and eliminating or reducing work-related stress and illnesses before they occur. For example, with an operational risk assessment or employee surveys and subsequent work design measures. Since support from superiors and the team significantly reduces severe stress, it is also important to promote the working atmosphere. Good communication within the teams as well as from the management contributes significantly to this. Also helpful is the promotion of joint activities by management as well as supervisors. Particularly critical in this context is the ban on personal off-site meetings between employees, as some companies demanded of their employees during the Covid 19 pandemic.

In the case of home offices or field service, regular video conferences within teams and between supervisors and employees ensure communication. The company can make a contribution here with best-practice examples or guidelines on the scope and form. It is important, for example, that employees also talk about how they are feeling personally, not just about their work. In addition, it should be ensured that employees can be present in the company on a regular basis - if not at their own workplace, then at least for meetings.

An appropriate management span and workload for supervisors ensures that they can fulfill their support function. In addition, supervisors should also be trained on the topic of mental illness, early detection and support for employees. Ideally, all employees in the company are also informed about the topic of mental illnesses (e.g. via the "How are you?" campaign of Pro Mente Sana). This signals to affected persons that mental problems are not taboo even in the work context. This makes it easier for those affected to speak out and request help.

Tasks of the superiors

Supervisors have a responsibility for employee health. In addition, reduced performance or absences of employees with health problems have an impact on productivity and the team.

Tasks related to mental health problems include watching for signs of reduced health and initiating and reviewing support measures. Regular face-to-face contact with all team members helps to identify changes. If employees are permanently off the job, contact should be weekly. Withdrawal is a common sign of mental health problems.
The next step is to address the perceived change in an employee: Phrases such as "How are you?", "I'm worried about you", "How can I support you?" promote the conversation. It is helpful if observed changes are noted as concretely as possible and reference is made to these observations in the conversation. After such a conversation, the frequency of contact should be increased so that support can be offered if needed.

Support for mental health problems consists primarily of listening and providing social support - "I/we are here for you". Open communication within the team in consultation with the person concerned is helpful for the team climate. Secondarily, assistance can be given in carrying out the work itself. But beware: supervisors do not have a therapeutic role, and they also have professional, emotional and time limits. Therefore, it is important to refer the affected person to specialized agencies.

Helpful information for superiors, colleagues can be found in the campaign of Pro Mente Sana as well as in the guide for managers of Psychiatrie Baselland. The "Leaders Care" tool from Helsana provides a playful approach to the topic.

Complementary internal and external support

It is important that affected individuals receive support from specialists - from psychiatry, psychology and psychotherapy - at an early stage. This helps to shorten acute episodes of the illness and prevent chronification. In the case of mental illness, superiors or employees are often overburdened, both in terms of time and content. Therefore, it is worthwhile to set up company or external contact points that are staffed with trained specialists. They are there to support the employees affected as well as their superiors and colleagues.Mental illnesses can affect any of us - take advantage of the company's options for prevention and support!

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