Noise Day: Respect quiet times!
People who do not sleep enough are less efficient and more prone to accidents. Today's Noise Day therefore calls for consideration of night owls towards local residents.

Today's Noise day calls for consideration of the sleeping needs of local residents, even when going out.
Night owls, for example, should keep quiet outside during the 10 p.m. and 6 a.m. nighttime quiet hours, especially when smoking outside the door or leaving the premises. The organizers and businesses are also asked to keep music and loud movies indoors during this time.
This serves not only the quality of life of residents, but also their health and safety: On the one hand, sufficient sleep is indispensable for physical and mental health, according to studies. For example, a persistent lack of sleep increases the risk of diabetes and depression, and too little sleep thwarts efforts to lose weight.
On the other hand, fatigue also increases the risk of accidents, whether on the way to work, during leisure time or at work itself. A study from Austria, for example, shows that every third traffic and work accident was caused by a lack of sleep. This clearly shows that sleep quality is not a trivial matter.